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The Dogs

Meet the dogs who live at the kennel located in Knik, Alaska. Each of these dogs has its own distinct personality and each plays an important role to the overall success of the entire pack. These dogs are trained and cared for by Charley Bejna.


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This picture is the dog lot during a spring day in 2017.  There is also 2 separate puppy pens.

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There is plenty of lighting at the kennel.  It helps out a lot while feeding, cleaning up, hooking dogs up and putting them away.

All dogs can be sponsored by one or more individuals. When sponsoring a dog, please let us know how you would like to have your name appear under that dog. 

All photos are courtesy of Jansen Cardy



This male was born in May of 2014. Aspen likes to run in swing or team with his brother Oak. He likes as much attention as he can get, especially petting. He is a quiet dog that is all about working hard. He has finished a lot of mid distance races. Aspen has finished the 2017, 2018  & 2019 Iditarod.  


This male was born May of 2014. Birch likes to run in team or wheel with his brother Cedar. Birch is a very powerful dog. He likes to stand in his doorway to his house and lean on the corner of it. He has been in several races and has not finished Iditarod yet.


This female was born April 18, 2012 and has 3 other litter mates. They are all named after bears. Black likes to run in swing or lead with her sister Brown. She is a very shy dog and is all about working hard on the trail. She has finished the 2015, 2017, 2018 & 2019 Iditarod. 


This female was born April 18, 2012 and has 3 other litter mates. They are all named after Bears. Brown is an amazing leader and also runs in swing. Brown is very picky who she runs in lead with and has also run single in lead. Brown is a little shy and is all business when she's on the trail. When she doesn't get her way, she tends to tip her dog house over in protest. Brown is definitely one of a kind and wants to be 100% in charge. Brown has completed a lot of mid distance races and has finished the 2017, 2018 & 2019 Iditarod all in lead. 


This female was born April 20, 2011. Canyon is the smallest of seven in her litter. She likes to run in swing or team. Canyon is one of the first to let you know if a moose is near by. Canyon is a small dog with lots of dedication. Canyon has finished a lot of mid distance races including the 2015 Iditarod.


This male was born in May of 2014. Cedar likes to run in team, swing or recently in lead. Cedar has
very stunning blue eyes and a huge appetite. He loves to play with his brother Willow. Cedar has been in many races including Iditarod but has yet to finish. 


This male was born on December 25, 2015. He is one of eight out of the litter. Coal likes to run in team with his brother, Slate, or Marble. Coal is very quiet during feeding and just stands next to his bowl unlike the others who are barking. Coal can be an instigator at times towards other dogs. Coal has been in many races including Iditarod and has yet to finish the race.



This male was born on April 18, 2012 and has 3 other litter mates. They are all named after bears. Grizzly likes to run in team, swing or lead with his brother Kodiak. He loves to play with Kodiak every chance he gets. Grizzly likes to keep all the dogs in place while they have free time. He likes getting his belly rubbed as much as possible. Grizzly has finished in every mid distance race including the 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Iditarod.


This female was born June 28, 2012. She likes to run in lead or swing with Brown. Hawk is a hard working dog and is very sweet. She has been in many races and finished the 2014 Iditarod in lead. She did not participate in the 2015 Iditarod since she had 8 puppies on Christmas Day.  Hawk still likes to go on training runs but is semi retired and spends the summer months in Illinois.


This female was born on December 25, 2015. She is one of 8 out of the litter and is the second smallest in her litter.  Jade is very sweet and her personality is just like her mom Hawk. Jade likes to run in team or swing next to Ruby. Jade has been in several races and hoping to be in the next Iditarod.


This male was born on April 18, 2012 and has 3 other litter mates. They are all named after bears. Kodiak likes to run in team, swing or lead with his brother Grizzly. He also likes to be in charge when in the dog lot. He loves to play with Grizzly every chance he gets. Kodiak also likes to keep all the dogs in place while they have free time. Unlike his brother, he doesn't like getting his belly rubbed. Kodiak has finished in every mid distance race including the 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Iditarod.


This male was born in May of 2014.  Leo likes to run in team with his litter mate Aspen. He is usually the first one up every morning and loves to run in circles. Leo likes to get as much attention as he can get. He also likes to bark to get you to come pet him. He has a big appetite and works very hard on the trail. He has competed in a few races including the 2019 Iditarod. 


This female was born in May 2014. She likes to run in team, swing and in lead with Yukon or Brown. She is a very shy dog and takes awhile to warm up to others. Maple loves to play with Yukon every chance she gets. Maple has finished many races including the 2019 Iditarod.


This male was born on December 25, 2015 and is one of eight out of the litter. Marble is a shy dog and likes to run in wheel or team with Coal or McKinley. He will warm up to you after getting to know you. He likes to poke at his teammate while running down the trail. He works very hard in his position. Marble has finished many mid-distance races including the 2019 Iditarod. 


This male was born April 20, 2011 and is the biggest dog in the yard. He likes to run in wheel with Marble and sometimes Willow. McKinley likes to grab your chin if he gets the chance. He also loves to give kisses and will take all the attention you can give him. McKinley has completed in a lot of races and finished the 2017 Iditarod.


This male was born in May of 2014.  He likes to run in team or swing with his litter mate Aspen. Oak and Aspen like to play together as much as they can. He has a big appetite. Oak has lots of energy and always barks when going up hills. He is definitely the cheerleader on the team. He missed the 2019 Iditarod due to an injury. Oak has completed a lot of races including the 2017 & 2018 Iditarod. 


This male was born on December 25, 2015 and is one of 8 out of the litter.  He likes to run in team with his brother Granite. He can be shy at times but will warm up to you. Quartz competed in the 2017 Copper Basin 300 and the 2018 Willow 300. He is getting better on the trail and looking to forward to entering a few races in 2019. 


This female was born on December 25, 2015 and is one of 8 out of the litter. Ruby is one of the smallest in the kennel. She likes to run in team, swing or recently in lead.  Ruby is a very quiet and sweet dog. She likes to play with her sister Jade. Ruby has competed in one mid distance race. 


This male was born on December 25, 2015 and is one of 8 out of the litter. He likes to run in wheel or team with his brother Coal. He is a very friendly dog and likes all the attention he can get. Slate will definitely jump up on you to give you a kiss. Slate has competed in several races and finished the 2018 Iditarod.


This male was born in May of 2014. He likes to run in wheel with Cedar. Most of the other dogs do not like to run next to him as he is very intimidating. He is a very strong and energetic dog. Willow has finished several mid distance races including the 2017 and 2018 Iditarod. 


This male was born April 20, 2011 and prefers to run in lead most of the time but will also run in any other position. Yukon has been the main leader for the kennel for 5 years. He likes to run with Maple and enjoys to play with him as well. Yukon is a very friendly dog and is all business on the trail. Yukon has finished over 15 races including the 2014, 2015, 2017 Iditarod.   
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